Western Hills Elem. School

School Report Card 2013-2014
4901 Western Hills Ave. | Little Rock , AR 72204
Teresa Richardson
Dexter Suggs

School Characteristics

Avg. Class Size
Avg. years teaching Experience
Per pupil spending
• District avg.
• State avg.
School Choice - Legal Transfers
School Rating
• School Rating
• Overall Points
A = 270-300, B = 240-269, C = 210-239,
D = 180-209, F = Less Than 180

Student Demographics

Race/Ethnicity Statistics
0.0% American Indian / Alaskan
0.0% Asian
74.9% Black / African American
0.0% Hawaiian / Pacific Islander
14.2% Hispanic / Latino
8.4% White
2.5% Two or More Races
Other Demographics
Limited English proficiency
Students eligible to receive special education
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced School
3rd Grade Literacy Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) 71.22 2013 AMO 73.83 AMO
Combined Population 100 6.25 16.67 31.25 45.83 77.08 13.3 23.3 40.0 23.3 63.3 76.45
TAGG 100 7.14 19.05 35.71 38.1 73.81 16.0 28.0 48.0 8.00 56 73.27
African American 100 6.45 16.13 25.81 51.61 77.42 13.0 21.7 34.8 30.4 65.2 76.24
Hispanic RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 78.57
Caucasian RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 72.73
Economically Disadvantaged 100 7.32 19.51 34.15 39.02 73.17 13.0 30.4 47.8 8.70 56.5 73.49
Students with Disabilities RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 42.65
Limited English Proficient RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 78.57
Number of recently arrived LEP students not assessed in 3rd Grade Literacy --- --- ---
Female 100 4.55 13.64 31.82 50 81.82 0.00 0.00 81.8 18.2 100
Male 100 7.69 19.23 30.77 42.31 73.08 21.1 36.8 15.8 26.3 42.1
Migrant --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
3rd Grade Math Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) 69.70 2013 AMO 72.45 AMO
Combined Population 100 2.08 4.17 39.58 54.17 93.75 3.33 20.0 50.0 26.7 76.7 75.21
TAGG 100 2.38 4.76 42.86 50 92.86 4.00 24.0 56.0 16.0 72 71.04
African American 100 3.23 3.23 41.94 51.61 93.55 4.35 17.4 47.8 30.4 78.2 73.27
Hispanic RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 89.28
Caucasian RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 93.18
Economically Disadvantaged 100 2.44 4.88 43.9 48.78 92.68 4.35 21.7 56.5 17.4 73.9 71.97
Students with Disabilities RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 51.47
Limited English Proficient RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 89.28
Female 100 4.55 4.55 40.91 50 90.91 0.00 18.2 63.6 18.2 81.8
Male 100 0 3.85 38.46 57.69 96.15 5.26 21.1 42.1 31.6 73.7
Migrant --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Download 2012 School Report Card for 2012 Benchmark Results
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced School
4th Grade Literacy Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) 71.22 2013 AMO 73.83 AMO
Combined Population 100 2.5 40 42.5 15 57.5 1.96 19.6 37.3 41.2 78.5 76.45
TAGG 100 2.78 38.89 41.67 16.67 58.33 2.22 22.2 42.2 33.3 75.5 73.27
African American 100 3.23 45.16 41.94 9.68 51.61 2.94 23.5 35.3 38.2 73.5 76.24
Hispanic RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 78.57
Caucasian RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 72.73
Economically Disadvantaged 100 2.86 40 40 17.14 57.14 2.33 20.9 41.9 34.9 76.8 73.49
Students with Disabilities RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 42.65
Limited English Proficient RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 78.57
Number of recently arrived LEP students not assessed in 4th Grade Literacy --- --- ---
Female 100 0 28.57 42.86 28.57 71.43 4.55 9.09 40.9 45.5 86.4
Male 100 5.26 52.63 42.11 0 42.11 0.00 27.6 34.5 37.9 72.4
Migrant --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
4th Grade Math Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) 69.70 2013 AMO 72.45 AMO
Combined Population 100 22.5 25 30 22.5 52.5 11.8 23.5 25.5 39.2 64.7 75.21
TAGG 100 22.22 25 30.56 22.22 52.78 13.3 26.7 26.7 33.3 60 71.04
African American 100 29.03 32.26 25.81 12.9 38.71 14.7 26.5 32.4 26.5 58.9 73.27
Hispanic RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 89.28
Caucasian RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 93.18
Economically Disadvantaged 100 22.86 25.71 28.57 22.86 51.43 11.6 27.9 27.9 32.6 60.5 71.97
Students with Disabilities RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 51.47
Limited English Proficient RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 89.28
Female 100 14.29 19.05 38.1 28.57 66.67 9.09 27.3 22.7 40.9 63.6
Male 100 31.58 31.58 21.05 15.79 36.84 13.8 20.7 27.6 37.9 65.5
Migrant --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Download 2012 School Report Card for 2012 Benchmark Results
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced School
5th Grade Literacy Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) 71.22 2013 AMO 73.83 AMO
Combined Population 97.7 10.64 31.91 31.91 25.53 57.45 7.14 42.9 35.7 14.3 50 76.45
TAGG 100 12.82 35.9 30.77 20.51 51.28 7.89 42.1 36.8 13.2 50 73.27
African American 97.2 10.53 31.58 31.58 26.32 57.89 8.57 45.7 34.3 11.4 45.7 76.24
Hispanic RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 78.57
Caucasian RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 72.73
Economically Disadvantaged 100 12.82 35.9 30.77 20.51 51.28 8.11 43.2 35.1 13.5 48.6 73.49
Students with Disabilities RV 27.27 63.64 9.09 0 9.09 RV RV RV RV RV 42.65
Limited English Proficient RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 78.57
Number of recently arrived LEP students not assessed in 5th Grade Literacy --- --- ---
Female 100 4.55 31.82 31.82 31.82 63.64 0.00 36.8 36.8 26.3 63.1
Male 95.8 16 32 32 20 52 13.0 47.8 34.8 4.35 39.15
Migrant --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
5th Grade Math Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) 69.70 2013 AMO 72.45 AMO
Combined Population 97.7 36.17 29.79 25.53 8.51 34.04 47.6 21.4 28.6 2.38 30.98 75.21
TAGG 100 38.46 33.33 23.08 5.13 28.21 47.4 21.1 28.9 2.63 31.53 71.04
African American 97.2 39.47 26.32 26.32 7.89 34.21 48.6 25.7 25.7 0.00 25.7 73.27
Hispanic RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 89.28
Caucasian RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 93.18
Economically Disadvantaged 100 38.46 33.33 23.08 5.13 28.21 45.9 21.6 29.7 2.70 32.4 71.97
Students with Disabilities RV 54.55 36.36 9.09 0 9.09 RV RV RV RV RV 51.47
Limited English Proficient RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV 89.28
Female 100 50 18.18 27.27 4.55 31.82 31.6 26.3 36.8 5.26 42.06
Male 95.8 24 40 24 12 36 60.9 17.4 21.7 0.00 21.7
Migrant --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Download 2012 School Report Card for 2012 Benchmark Results
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Proficient & Advanced School
5th Grade Science
Combined Population 95.3 31.91 48.94 19.15 0 19.15 48.8 46.3 4.88 0.00 4.88
TAGG 97.4 38.46 46.15 15.38 0 15.38 48.6 45.9 5.41 0.00 5.41
African American 94.4 36.84 47.37 15.79 0 15.79 52.9 44.1 2.94 0.00 2.94
Economically Disadvantaged 97.3 38.46 46.15 15.38 0 15.38 50.0 44.4 5.56 0.00 5.56
Students with Disabilities RV 72.73 27.27 0 0 0 RV RV RV RV RV
Limited English Proficient RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV RV
Female 94.7 31.82 54.55 13.64 0 13.64 38.9 55.6 5.56 0.00 5.56
Male 95.8 32 44 24 0 24 56.5 39.1 4.35 0.00 4.35
Migrant --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Download 2012 School Report Card for 2012 Benchmark Results
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement - Augmented Criterion Referenced Student Academic Growth
% Meeting
% Meeting
% Meeting
% Meeting
% Meeting
% Meeting
Combined Population N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 93 29.03 91 69.23
TAGG N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 83 27.71 81 69.14
African American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 69 18.84 69 66.67
Hispanic N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 50 12 83.33
Caucasian N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9 66.67 7 71.43
Economically Disadvantaged N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 80 27.5 79 69.62
Students with Disabilities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 5.56 17 58.82
Limited English Proficient N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 45.45 11 81.82
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement
School District State School District State School District State
Grade One Reading Comprehension --- --- --- 50 46 56 44 47 55
Grade One Math Problems --- --- --- 50 43 56 35 46 55
Grade Two Reading Comprehension --- --- --- 44 48 59 61 48 58
Grade Two Math Problems --- --- --- 51 45 58 71 48 58
Grade Three Reading --- --- --- 49 46 51 35 40 50
Grade Three Math --- --- --- 50 46 55 40 44 54
Grade Four Reading --- --- --- 27 45 53 44 45 52
Grade Four Math --- --- --- 38 51 61 57 54 61
Grade Five Reading --- --- --- 29 38 47 26 39 47
Grade Five Math --- --- --- 28 45 55 25 46 54
Grade Five Science --- --- --- 34 46 60 25 47 60
Grade Six Reading --- --- --- --- 32 46 --- 32 46
Grade Six Math --- --- --- --- 38 55 --- 41 54
Grade Seven Reading --- --- --- --- 37 50 --- 36 49
Grade Seven Math --- --- --- --- 42 54 --- 40 53
Grade Seven Science --- --- --- --- 41 61 --- 40 60
Grade Eight Reading --- --- --- --- 41 53 --- 40 52
Grade Eight Math --- --- --- --- 43 54 --- 42 53
Grade Nine Reading Comprehension --- --- --- --- 39 50 --- 39 51
Grade Nine Math Concepts and Problems --- --- --- --- 39 49 --- 38 47
Download 2012 School Report Card for 2012 Norm Referenced Test Results
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement
School District State School District State School District State
American College Test (ACT)
Number of Students Taking Voluntary Universal ACT --- --- --- --- 1,149 6,692 --- 1,195 7,110
District Provided Remediation for Students Taking Voluntary Universal ACT Y 48 N 36
Number of Students in College and Career Readiness Planning Program (CCRPP) --- --- --- --- --- 1,790 --- --- 1,843
Number of Students Taking ACT in Grades 9-11 --- --- --- --- 1,552 26,174 --- 1,391 25,004
Number of Students Taking ACT in Grade 12 --- --- --- --- 862 18,507 --- 833 18,262
ACT Reading --- --- --- --- 22.28 21.67 --- 22.06 22.46
ACT English --- --- --- --- 21.98 21.31 --- 21.06 21.38
ACT Mathematics --- --- --- --- 20.73 20.73 --- 20.15 21.02
ACT Science --- --- --- --- 21.42 21.04 --- 21.64 21.90
ACT Composite --- --- --- --- 21.74 21.31 --- 20.74 21.24
SAT® by College Board
Number of Students Taking SAT College Admission Test --- --- --- --- 98 897 --- 116 84
SAT Critical Reading Mean --- --- --- --- 562 473 --- 598 599
SAT Math Mean --- --- --- --- 548 472 --- 596 597
SAT Writing Mean --- --- --- --- 562 459 --- 596 584
Advanced Placement Courses (AP)
Number of Students Taking Advanced Placement (AP) Courses --- --- --- --- 1,757 24,364 --- 1,766 25,547
Number of AP Exams Taken --- --- --- --- 3,995 42,545 --- 4,075 44,424
Number of AP Exams Scored 3, 4, or 5 --- --- --- --- 1,390 13,296 --- 1,710 14,143
Number of Students Taking International Baccalaureate Courses --- --- --- --- 219 --- --- 460
College Going Rate
All Students N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 47.3% 51.5%
African American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 45.0% 46.2%
Hispanic N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 28.7% 33.2%
Caucasian N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 49.6% 50.6%
Download 2012 School Report Card for 2012 College Readiness Results
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Achievement
School District State School District State School District State
College Credit Accumulation Rate
All Students N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 76.4% 79.7%
African American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 73.6% 69.9%
Hispanic N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 73.6% 79.0%
Caucasian N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- 83.6% 82.4%
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: School Performance
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: School Performance
School District State School District State School District State
District Provides Textbooks or Digital Resources for all Pupils
District Provides Textbooks or Digital Resources for all Pupils Y 100 % Y 100 % Y 100 %
Annual Accreditation Status
Annual Accreditation Status Accredited Y 40 838 Y 36 783 Y 30 790
Accredited-Cited N 6 212 N 7 249 N 14 254
Accredited-Probationary N 0 18 N 2 30 N 2 27
Attendance Rate (*State Goal 91.13%)
Attendance Rate Combined 95.7% 94.9% 95.2% 92.9% 91.3% 94.1% 94.0% 92.1% 94.4%
Attendance Rate for Targeted Acheivement Gap Group 92.5% 91.4% 93.9% 94.3% 92.6% 94.0%
Attendance Rate African American 93.1% 90.7% 94.1% 95.4% 91.5% 94.3%
Attendance Rate Hispanic 91.7% 93.1% 94.5% 93.6% 92.6% 94.8%
Attendance Rate Caucasian 92.2% 91.4% 94.0% 88.0% 92.3% 94.3%
Attendance Rate Economically Disadvantaged 94.0% 91.4% 93.7% 94.4% 92.7% 93.8%
Attendance Rate Students with Disabilities 89.4% 90.9% 94.0% 91.9% 92.2% 94.1%
Attendance Rate Limited English Proficient 90.6% 92.9% 94.8% 96.5% 94.6% 95.3%
Dropout Rate
Dropout Rate --- 5.53% 2.43% --- 3.28% 2.12% --- 4.39% 2.10%
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: School Performance
School District State School District State School District State
Graduation Rate (*State Goal 85%)
Graduation Rate Combined --- 81.8 % 84.1 % --- 75.4 % 84.9 % --- 78.3 % 86.9 %
Graduation Rate for Targeted Acheivement Gap Group --- 77.5 % 79.3 % --- 70.3 % 80.5 % --- 75.4 % 82.9 %
Graduation Rate African American --- 79.3 % 78.1 % --- 73.8 % 78.1 % --- 76.7 % 81.0 %
Graduation Rate Hispanic --- 64.5 % 78.0 % --- 66.9 % 81.8 % --- 68.6 % 84.5 %
Graduation Rate Caucasian --- 92.4 % 87.0 % --- 83.3 % 87.8 % --- 84.7 % 89.3 %
Graduation Rate Economically Disadvantaged --- 77.6 % 79.1 % --- 69.6 % 80.3 % --- 75.4 % 82.7 %
Graduation Rate Students with Disabilities --- 79.2 % 79.2 % --- 72.6 % 80.4 % --- 80.3 % 83.1 %
Graduation Rate Limited English Proficient --- 70.6 % 77.3 % --- 68.3 % 80.8 % --- 67.5 % 84.1 %
Grade Inflation Rate --- --- --- --- 3.08 % 2.51 % --- 6.8 % 7 %
College Remediation Rate --- 62.4 % 49.4 % --- 56.9 % 43.0 % --- 56.9 % 45.4 %
October 1 Enrollment 265 24,049 468,656 259 23,594 471,867 239 23,676 474,995
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: School Environment
School District State School District State School District State
Discipline Policies Distributed to Parents Y 100 % 100 % Y 100 % 100 % Y 100 % 100 %
Discipline Training Provided to Staff Y 100 % 100 % Y 100 % 100 % Y 100 % 100 %
Parental Involvement Plan Adopted Y 100 % 100 % Y 100 % 100 % Y 100 % 100 %
District Alternative Learning Environment Compliance Y 98.83% Y 96.89% Y 91.05%
Expulsions --- 12 378 --- 2 471 --- 5 524
Weapons Incidents --- 47 690 --- 27 763 --- 52 843
Staff Assaults --- 63 436 --- 50 495 --- 78 504
Student Assaults --- 50 1,944 --- 45 2,302 --- 198 2,439
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Retention
School District State School District State School District State
Number of Students Retained at Grade 1 1 56 1,534 2 71 1,416 3 61 1,514
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 1 3.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 3.00% 4.00% 7.00% 3.00% 5.00%
Number of Students Retained at Grade 2 0 23 594 1 44 558 0 27 572
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 2 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 2.00% 2.00% 0.00% 2.00% 3.00%
Number of Students Retained at Grade 3 2 22 305 0 12 240 0 12 279
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 3 5.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2.00% 2.00%
Number of Students Retained at Grade 4 0 5 141 0 6 114 0 4 137
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.00% 2.00%
Number of Students Retained at Grade 5 0 4 84 0 6 101 0 3 82
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 5 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Number of Students Retained at Grade 6 0 17 137 0 14 135 0 19 134
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 6 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Number of Students Retained at Grade 7 0 29 317 0 43 296 0 36 315
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 7 0.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 3.00% 1.00% 0.00% 3.00% 2.00%
Number of Students Retained at Grade 8 0 33 253 0 25 251 0 27 274
Percent of Students Retained at Grade 8 0.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2.00% 1.00%
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: Teacher Quality
School District State School District State School District State
% Teachers Completely Certified (Licensed) --- --- --- 100.0% 97.9% 97.9% 100.0% 97.3% 95.7%
% Teachers with Emergency / Provisional Credentials --- --- --- 0.0% 1.5% 0.9% 0.0% 0.6% 0.8%
% Teachers with Bachelor's Degree 67.0% 53.0% 59.0% 67.0% 53.0% 59.0% 50.0% 54.0% 57.0%
% Teachers with Master's Degree 33.0% 45.0% 40.0% 33.0% 46.0% 40.0% 50.0% 45.0% 41.0%
% Teachers with Advanced Degree 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 1.0%
HQ Teachers in High Poverty Schools
% Core Academic Classes not Taught by HQ Teachers 0.0% --- --- 0.0% 2.6% 0.9% 0.0% 1.1% 0.9%
HQ Teachers in Low Poverty Schools
% Core Academic Classes not Taught by HQ Teachers --- --- --- --- 0.9% 0.6% 0.0% 2.1% 0.6%
HQ Teachers Aggregate of All Economic Levels
% Core Academic Classes not Taught by HQ Teachers --- --- --- --- 2.0% 0.7% 0.0% 1.5% 0.7%
School Board Members Hours of Training
Jim Ross 9.00
Greg Adams 30.25
C.E Mcadoo 31.50
Dianne Curry 35.50
Leslie Fisken 12.50
Tara Shephard 6.00
Joy Springer 23.50
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: School Choice
School District State School District State School District State
Percent of Students School Choice 26.04% 8.04% 2.90% 28.57% 7.84% 2.68% 29.29% 7.40% 2.82%
Little Rock School District - 6001000 Western Hills Elem. School - 6001029
INDICATOR: School Funding
School District State School District State School District State
Mills Voted 46.4 37.2 46.4 37.4 46.4 37.5
Expenditure Per Student $12,825 $9,379 $13,486 $9,324 $13,646 $9,457
Average Teacher Salary $53,296 $46,946 $57,359 $47,316 $60,560 $48,060
Total Expenditures $346,132,595 $5,196,885,067 $352,150,173 $5,088,669,535 $354,596,475 $5,288,037,508
Instructional Expenditures $172,787,394 $2,485,540,210 $175,393,601 $2,472,977,282 $174,456,930 $2,500,807,896
Administrative Expenditures $20,090,531 $317,870,955 $21,037,384 $312,346,508 $24,046,326 $325,831,774
Extracurricular Expenditures $3,338,324 $201,604,356 $3,821,326 $184,520,020 $3,766,704 $174,851,754
Capital Expenditures $19,815,588 $608,547,135 $19,701,151 $531,101,753 $13,859,638 $423,083,973
Debt Service Expenditures $9,980,290 $267,265,988 $8,726,785 $235,094,970 $12,590,717 $285,311,300
Free and Reduced Meals
Percent of Students Eligible for Free and Reduced Meals 86.8% 71.1% 60.5% 80.7% 70.6% 60.3% 84.5% 62.7% 60.9%
State Free and Reduced-Price Meal Rate*** 60.3% 60.7% 61.2%
National Free and Reduced-Price Meal Rate** 53.9% 50.6% 52.1%